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About The Area

Quebec is truly an exceptional land in North America. Unique for its geography, its history and its culture, which together have forged its bold and exuberant identity. Simply put, Quebec is warmth, absolute authenticity...MORE

About The Area

Quebec is truly an exceptional land in North America. Unique for its geography, its history and its culture, which together have forged its bold and exuberant identity. Simply put, Quebec is warmth, absolute authenticity and intensity, all within easy reach.

Take advantage of your stay in Quebec to do a little shopping, or magasinage, as they say here. Learn about the history, people, and events that have shaped Canada at the Canadian Museum of History. Enjoy cuisines from all over the world with Le Buffet des Continents.

Learn to appreciate the joie de vivre. Discover the seasons, the incredible natural beauty, and rich culture. You'll be amazed by all the adventures that await you in Quebec.


Ontario: Ottawa

Other States & Provinces: Ontario

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